September 22, 2024 3 min read


I grew up surrounded by bolts of fabric, vibrant patterns, and the hum of sewing machines.

My childhood was spent in a fabric shop, Norton House Quilting, which my Grandma started 58 years ago in Wilmington, VT.

It was more than just a retail store—it was a place where creativity flourished, fabrics became quilts, and I took my first steps into a world I now cherish.


My first quilt, made at the tender age of ten, was a joyous experience. With my Grandma by my side, guiding me step by step, I embarked on a journey of creativity and self-expression.

The thrill of picking out my fabrics at her shop is a memory I cherish to this day. I chose many bright and cheerful fabrics, but she rejected the first several color combinations - that story will come out soon. 😅🤣


Norton House Quilting was more than just a store—it was where I connected with my Grandma and where I learned the craft that would later shape my life. Together, we stitched my first quilt, and I discovered the magic of quilting through the process.


In those early days, I made everything from Beanie Baby sleeping bags to cloth floor sack totes, creating something for every season and occasion.

Each stitch was a testament to my love for fabric and my Grandma's guidance.


But it wasn't until she passed away in 2016 that I truly began to appreciate the depth of her work. As I carefully examined her quilts, I realized they were more than just beautiful pieces of fabric sewn together—they were a legacy. 

A quilt tells a story, not just through its patterns but through the love and care woven into every stitch.


That's when I knew: Quilting Your Legacy was born.


Like my Grandma, I too wanted to leave a lasting legacy for my loved ones. Quilts and table toppers, each one made with love, became my way of continuing her tradition. And I realized, I'm not alone in this.

There are quilters out there, just like you, who want to do the same.

Your desire to create quilts for your loved ones or simply for yourself to enjoy is what keeps this tradition alive. If so, you're in the right place.


My goal on my blog, YouTube channel, Facebook, and Instagram is to help you get started easily.

Quilting doesn't have to be overwhelming, and with a bit of guidance, you'll be able to create beautiful things faster and with less hassle.

Whether new to quilting or looking for new techniques, I want to inspire you to create your quilting legacy.

Below, you'll find a list of posts and links that will guide you on your quilting journey. Dive in, get inspired, and let's start quilting your legacy together!


Helpful Links to Get You Started

Coming soon: A curated list of beginner-friendly guides, tips, and tutorials to help you on your journey. Stay tuned for detailed instructions on fabric selection, cutting techniques, and more.

Thank you for being part of this beautiful tradition. Your interest and participation are what keep the art of quilting alive, one stitch at a time.

Together, we can continue to inspire and guide each other.


Happy Quilting your Legacy!
Your Quilting Friend,
Your fellow quilter at Quilting Your Legacy


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