Gratitude Projects in November - Quilting your Legacy Monthly Challenge
November's theme for the monthly Quilting your Legacy Challenge is "Gratitude Projects."
According to the National Day Calendar and many other websites, November is National Gratitude Month.
National Gratitude Month is an annual designation observed in November.
Gratitude is more than merely saying, "thank you."
Gratitude's stunning influence can shift us from focusing on the negative to appreciating what is positive in our lives. Practicing daily gratitude gives us a deeper connection to ourselves, the world around us.
Research has shown that gratitude can enhance our moods, decrease stress, and drastically improve our overall level of health and wellbeing. On average, grateful people tend to have fewer stress-related illnesses and experience less depression and lowered blood pressure. They are happier, more satisfying personal, and professional relationships. (I found the information on many different websites and thought I would share the information.)
If everyone practiced daily gratitude, we could change ourselves and the planet for the better. Perhaps everyone would be much happier. Love would grow, and hate would decrease.
SO! Let's give it a try! What sewing projects can you gift to your favorite people and people who could use a little extra cheer this month?
Who can you imply "thank you" as gratitude without expecting anything back in return?
I believe you'll be happier when you do.
Here are my projects ideas for fast and easy sewing projects:
• Table Toppers (My favorite!!)
• Gift them a fudge or candy box from Grandpa next door at the 1836 Country Store (tell them Emily sent you.) (See what they have for goodies by clicking here.)
• Felted-Wool Ornaments or Felted-Wool gift cardholders (See them by clicking here.)
"Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It's the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul." - Amy Collette.
The Fine Print:
- Gratitude Projects in November - Quilting your Legacy Monthly Challenge
- You must show your progress. Start with taking a photo of the fabric/ pattern with what you're going to create.
- 1/2 points if you've started a project and are inspired or re-motivated to finish. But again, we must see where you're at this moment, then at the end of the month, the second photo of your finished project.
**The project must have a short description of who you're gifting it to with why you're thankful to them. You do not need to include a name if you do not want to, but please describe why you've chosen to make something homemade for them.
Let's see the progress! Start, middle, and end of the project.
What to do next:
Day 1-10 Declare of the Facebook Group, "I'm In" if you're going to participate months challenge.
Day 2-30 Take a photo or write text with your tentative idea (or ideas) of what you're going to create.
Day 31 (or sooner) - Show off what you created within the guidelines by posting a photo.
Set your intentions now. Start to finish the process is everything. Let's all encourage each other and enjoy the quilting adventure!
What will you create for one or more of your favorite people?
Happy Quilting your Legacy!
What do to next:
Go to Facebook and state, "I'm in!". Perhaps add a photo of the pattern, fabrics are chosen, or just text is fine too.
See you on the Facebook Quilting your Legacy Monthly Challenge