My Most Memorable Moments During the 2019 Vermont Shop Hop

My Most Memorable Moments During the 2019 Vermont Shop Hop


The Vermont Shop Hop like any huge event contains a lot of different emotions and tremendous planning. It's a time for creators from all walks of life to come together to get inspired, find new and fresh products or fabrics by hopping to each participating fabric shops. Or people tend to hop from shop to shop to just be with the extended tribe and meet other like-minded people. I love Shop Hop for the above reasons.

People also hop because of the prizes to be won! We had a door prize in a value of $100. That everyone entered with no purchase necessary and for people who made any amount of purchase was able to be entered into the drawing of FOUR DIFFERENT DOOR PRIZES. It was awesome! Watching peoples faces light up when we told them they could win four different gift boxes with many different quilters needs inside and a bag full of 40 separate fat quarters.

Below are my most memorable moments that happened during the 2019 Vermont Shop Hop.

On the first or second day into the hop, I met someone who came to Norton House just for the unicorn scissors. They also purchased other ideas but purchases the unicorn scissors was the top priority.

Another group of people said our shop was their last years favorite and they had to come back.

It honestly felt like old homes week seeing familiar faces and catching up as if no time has passed by.

On the second to last day, a lady from Massachusetts came to Norton House Quilting to buy a passport in support of the VT Shop Hop. The women looked so much like my Grandma. The same hair color, style and the way she spoke.

I mentioned to her that there's only today and tomorrow to go to the other shops and she replied, that she will not be going to the other shops, she just came to buy a passport to receive our table runner pattern, “Sailing with Grandma.”

I wanted to ask her so many questions such as, “did you grow up near my Grandma” “Did you know my Grandma?” “Do you love to sail?” Do you love the ocean or love Plymouth, Massachusetts?” So many questions! But I was directly in awe that someone would take the time to travel, support, and show love for the love of quilting.

I’m in awe that so many different people came in all different directions to join us in fun!

I feel the overall feeling with the VT Shop Hop was kindness. We had only a few grumpy bears, but I can't help but expected that with long travels. I can’t image going to so many different shops in one day. (When traveling alone to Maine I went to 4 shops while going up the coast and I was drained by the last shop and felt a little dazed. Going to shop to shop had so many stimulations.

A highlight for us is when people brought in projects to match colors with. Also, the people who had a pattern and said, ‘okay do you have like color fabrics?’ Beckie and I excepted the challenge happily and away we went. Playing with colors is one of our favorite parts of sewing.

The creativity during and after the hop is contagious. I look forward to seeing your projects from the Vermont Shop Hop take shape. We welcome you to share them on our facebook business page or to the Vermont Shop Hop Facebook page. We love the inspiration, and you'll be inspiring others. (Which is really rewarding!)

I couldn’t help but let my jaw drop to the floor when people said they enjoy reading our weekly newsletter. I feel tremendous growth from last year (not to mention the year before that). It didn't just happen for one or two days. It was daily from different people. It never got old to hear, “I love reading your newsletters."
I wanted to say, "wow at least one person reads our newsletters" but I only said that to a few people. I mean, WOW! Talk about validation!

It incredible to be validated knowing Norton House is on the right path. There might even be a better word then validated, but I can't seem to think of one at the moment. Never in my life have I ever felt so proud of me, Beckie and the team around us. Running a business is not easy and, there’s a lot of ups and downs. And a lot of late night worrying.

I wish my Grandma were here to be with you all during shop hop, however, I know her spirit was with us.

The night before Shop Hop I worried, tears came down. The weather was not in our favor. I’m very thankful for my mom and Beckie because they talked me out of having a mini-meltdown.

I never drive in a winters mix, not to mention the ice we received the first day of shop Hop on Friday. But the boys and I left enough time and went super slow. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a special treat. (We’re enjoying their wake up wraps.) The boys didn't have school because of a teacher in-service day.

Hoppers also traveled on Friday, I was shocked! I couldn't believe it. They said they went south first and then will make their way up north. They said the south was a cake walk compared to what was happening to in the northern part of the state.

On Saturday we woke up to 4” of snow. (Thankfully no ice.)
I went in early to shovel and when I was almost done (I just had in front of Grandpa’s 1836 Country Store and the stairs to the parking lot.) A car pulled into the parking lot, and a man jumped out and asked if he could help shovel too. I was in awe and extremely thankful. I asked the driver, “are you sure?" a few times, reminding him that today is suppose to be a relaxing as the shofar.” But he insisted he didn’t mind, so I took him up on offer and grabbed him a shovel.

After shoveling was done, I went to the 1836 Country Store to get Vermont cheddar cheese from a 40lb wheel for the family to show how thankful I was.

On Saturday the boys were at the shop, and they turned into our gophers. When we needed something such as more photocopies or more fudge they would zoom right over. OH and not to mention when we were close running out of cheese for everyone, they would speed right over.

In a final reflection of the 2019 VT Shop Hop, It’s one thing to say to someone great job, but it’s another to support and share experiences that you enjoy about the VT Shop Hop. The hop brought clear Validation. I know we're on the right path and we're doing great things.


I look forward to next year! Cheers my sewing friends! Have you been on a Shop Hop? If so, what states? 

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I love the VT Shop Hop! I travel with a group ( 3 – 4 others) of quilters, and seeing fabrics, quilt samples, patterns and creativity in each store is very exciting, and gives new motivation. We laugh, shop, eat a little, shop, and exclaim over and admire beautiful quilts in each store! We’ve also been to Shop Hops in NY ( our home state), NH , MA , OR & WA. One quilting friend is in ME right now – their Hop is going on! Thanks for the work that you put in, so we may have days of fun!

Nancy Patton

You and Becky deserve a bravo what a lovely day we had! The husbands even had a good time! Looking forward to next year!

Sheila Chabot

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